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联系人: 先生 (市场经理)
电 话:0755-27882877
手 机:15710831934




    1, global positioning and locking

Intelligent positioning bags have a precise GPS (GPS) +LBS (base station positioning) dual positioning function, but also can provide GPS+GPRS or GPS+WCDMA all-weather multiple positioning function, 24 satellites surround, multi angle wireless base station signal transmission, positioning accuracy can be accurate to the decimal point

2, anti-theft mad thief, intelligent case in addition to precise positioning function, Bluetooth wireless alarm function and active function protection bags. When the thief steal or snatch intelligent positioning bags, in the escape process, through Bluetooth communication technology and embedded in the positioning chip in "electronic backpack" will start the alarm in seconds, and automatically dial the telephone set master bags, eager to remind the emergency, at the same time, ringing, sirens

3, the return of the electronic fence

The electronic fence is like a stealth bodyguard that protects your bags and property anytime and anywhere.

4, find the path to escape

From the first seconds of the mobile start, the smart bag track search system will automatically open at the same time, and accurately record the trajectory of the bags and the exact location of the final arrival.

5, many people are connected to the relationship

If there is a child or an old man in the home, the location of the bag is almost a necessary thing. Give the child a configuration positioning bag, and then through the positioning function and parents, grandparents and teachers even the mobile phone Internet laws, can accurately grasp the children to and from school, whether on time, whether the time to go home, when the child on the way to and from school, family can open the path search system, grasp the children walking routes once the deviation from the normal route, you can ask and remind. When the children play outside, you can set the electronic fence, to ensure that children in a safe

先生 (市场经理)  
电  话: 0755-27882877
传  真: 0755-27882877
移动电话: 15710831934
公司地址: 中国广东深圳市深圳市宝安区
邮  编: 518000
公司主页: http://szsaiyimcu.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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深圳市赛亿科技开发有限公司 公司地址:中国广东深圳市深圳市宝安区
先生 (市场经理) 电话:0755-27882877 传真:0755-27882877
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